I’ve been very luck with my fishing adventures this year — with crappies, largemouths, smallmouths and trout — but my best catch and most interesting bite just occurred last Saturday up at camp. I held no great hopes for success … Continue reading
As Todd and I pushed our canoe into the river, we saw how heavily-laden it was. Dome tents, sleeping bags, a cooler full of food and drinks and bundles of clothing and gear filled up the wide-hulled 14-foot watercraft, along … Continue reading
It’s a sunny, cold Tuesday afternoon in February, and I’m out for a rare winter hike along the Shenango Trail. I pull in at New Hamburg, four miles upstream from Big Bend, and see not a single tire track in … Continue reading
It was 12 degrees out there, according to my Jeep Cherokee temperature gauge, when we pulled into the Warren County game lands parking lot at 6:30 a.m. on the last Thursday of deer season. A fresh six inches of powdery … Continue reading
A couple of weeks ago, I took my 54-caliber in-line muzzleloader for a walk in the late-October Warren County forest. I wasn’t really serious about hunting that day, to be honest. I’m not an archery hunter, and October seems way … Continue reading
A weekday trip to the mountains can be a rewarding and healing experience, even when you only get away for one day. Such was the case last week when I drove up alone to cut grass and work on the … Continue reading
I’ve written here before about growing up country in rural Mercer County back in the 1960s, but I haven’t told everything. Usually I write about other people’s embarrassing moments, but today I’ll tell a story on myself, and it’s a … Continue reading
It doesn’t get much better than this. The alarm rang at 4 a.m. and I jumped right out of bed — I’m like a kid at Christmas on the opening day of deer season — and made my way downstairs … Continue reading
I opened a back issue of the Pennsylvania Game News the other day and was immediately confronted with an article on Deer Harvest Numbers. I wondered — how did this word “harvest” come into practice as a reference to hunting … Continue reading
Outdoor writers Ben Moyer, Gregg Rinkus and I caught 100 trout over a short weekend in the Allegheny National Forest recently, or perhaps we caught 50 fish two times each, so hungry and aggressive were these wild native brookies. But … Continue reading