The F-Troop Book is Out!

     Finally! After three and a half years of writing and revising and painstaking work with designers, editors, and printers, my new book is out this week. The title is The F-Troop Camp Chronicles (A Life in the Pennsylvania Outdoors), and the book is 216 pages long with 25 inside photographs. It’s available right now in both paperback and hardcover editions.
     Part I of Chronicles is a history of my Warren County hunting/fishing camp from its founding in 1986 up to the summer of 2008. A Prologue and 22 chapters tell about the adventures of dozens of relatives and friends who have traveled up to the “big woods” over the years for peace and serenity as well as wildlife and wild life up at camp.
     Part II is much shorter, only five chapters that take the reader briefly back into the time before Camp F-Troop, from my young adult years fishing and hunting at my uncle Jack’s “cottage” all the way back to my childhood days hunting small game with my father and brothers and fishing at the neighborhood pond.
     Chronicles is about interesting nick-named characters and captivating natural settings and compelling incidents and campfires and target-shooting and hiking and deep thinking in the deep forest and more. It’s a beautifully designed and rendered book as well. See the “Books” link on this Web site for information on how to order.
     Good luck out there. And have a great week outdoors.    

~ Don Feigert, 11-12-08

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